london wakes up to a thin dusting of snow, a rare occurence in march, as the uk begins a cold spell forecast to last several days - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:24CLEAN : London wakes up to rare March snow
day celebrations - weather; int/ england: london: cms alex hill in front of old fashioned weather map giving forecast as it might have been in 1944 )... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:57D-Day celebrations - weather
record temperatures; itn england: wiltshire: ext sun shining thru trees butterfly on leaf cobweb pull focus telephone box as temperature overlaid tgv... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:47Heatwave Britain: Record temperatures
hurricane gilbert hits jamacia; england: bracknell: cms sign 'meteorological office' int side worker seated at desk as others standing and seated in... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Hurricane Gilbert hits Jamacia
gales kills 6 people; itn london: gv fallen tree lying across cars at kerb car crushed by tree pull out as cordon tape blown by strong wind in f/g... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55Bad weather: Gales kills 6 people
snow and freezing conditions still causing havoc across uk; england: exmoor: ext / snow wide shot snow covered landscape bare tree in snowy field... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:49Snow and freezing conditions still causing havoc across UK
snow and freezing conditions still causing havoc across uk; scotland: loch lomond: ext / snow close shot scottish flag flying snow covered boats on... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage04:03Snow and freezing conditions still causing havoc across UK
west sussex: selsey: at night: firemen removing debris from wrecked roof of house int; wrecked kitchen in house tilt up to caved in roof ext/day... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:41Severe weather
heavy snow and flooding; itn scotland ext/snowing gv wooded area covered by snow as snow falling gvs streets covered by heavy snow as cars along gv... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23Heavy snow and flooding
floods across england and wales; england: along the river severn: ext air view dinghy along in water pull out to show flooded fields sot air view... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:00Floods across England and Wales
john hammond interview sot - weather showing no signs of settling down east sussex: ext houses standing in flood water tcms flood water lapping at... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05Bad weather
west sussex: selsey: waves crash against beach with buildings in b/g pull out wave crashes over shingle engineers examining shingle bank bulldozers... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:10Storms X
supermarkets and the weather; nat england: london: willesden green: somerfield supermarket: tms tomato display being restocked in supermarket: ditto... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50Supermarkets and the weather
sussex: selsey: rees i/c shiela flett intvwd - i was watching the telly / all the windows shook / it was like a car wash int emergency services... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:52Severe weather
storm warning; cms monitor screen showing environment agency floodline internet page i/c lib yorkshire: ext gv snow covered cars and street tls ferry... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Storm warning
power cuts: professor ian fells report; itn england: int following seq has music from 'coronation street' overlaid seq toaster / kettle used / light... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage03:18Bad weather: Power cuts: Professor Ian Fells report
kensal rise tornado aftermath: repairs underway; **toni mcconville interview partly overlaid over following sequence sot** scaffolding covering... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Kensal Rise tornado aftermath: Repairs underway
illustrious in london for remembrance day events; england: london: greenwich: on board hms illustrious reporter to camera lieutenant commander gregor... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:33Royal Navy: HMS Illustrious in London for Remembrance Day events
severe weather; severe weather; een: england: west sussex: selsey: airv houses & gardens with trail of debris & damage showing the path of the... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38Severe weather
forecasters predict another bad hurricane season in 2006; usa: maryland: goddard space flight centre: int close up of screen showing weather pattern... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Hurricanes: NASA forecasters predict another bad hurricane season in 2006
snowy weather causes travel chaos; close up of control centre monitor showing police attending to breakdown - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03Snowy weather causes travel chaos
hurricane dean batters jamaica and heads for mexico; tracking shot along road, showing rubble and cars crushed by felled trees damaged power lines... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Hurricane Dean batters Jamaica and heads for Mexico
report on new tv programme 'flood' and whether it could really happen; ext high angle shots of thames barrier various shots of thames barrier - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Report on new TV programme 'Flood' and whether it could really happen
report on new tv programme 'flood' and whether it could really happen; andy batchelor interview sot - talks of structure of barrier and heightened... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Report on new TV programme 'Flood' and whether it could really happen
report on new tv programme 'flood' and whether it could really happen; int reporter to camera - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Report on new TV programme 'Flood' and whether it could really happen
aftermath in new orleans; 1.9.2008 louisiana: new orleans: ext water lapping over levees at industrial canal 2.9.2008 canal showing lower water... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Hurricane Gustav: Aftermath in New Orleans
heavy snow across britain causes chaos; england: central london: victoria: ext / night / snowing quiet city street at evening rush hour pedestrians... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:08Heavy snow across Britain causes chaos
heathrow airport: general view of airport airport radar dish simon calder interview sot - this is the perfect storm plane taxiing along runway sign... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54Volcanic ash disrupts air travel for third day; Volcanic ash disrupts air travel for third day
london commuters hit by severe delays following heavy rainfall; england: london: ext / rain speeded up seq view from fixed rooftop camera showing... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11London commuters hit by severe delays following heavy rainfall
people still have black and white tv licences; england: int old fashioned television set showing itn news bulletin on the storms in black and white... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58Television: 12,000 people still have black and white TV licences
freak storms in southern england; vox pop / shows reporter ripped up flooring outside house vinny lakhani mopping up kitchen floor with towel before... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Freak storms in southern England
the village of etsaut, in the aspe valley , was badly hit by the flooding of the gave d'aspe after torrential rain fell on the region during the... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage05:12CLEAN : Storms in southern France cause damage to villages and road blocks
people enjoy sledding and making snowmen in wimbledon park as london wakes up covered in white after its first snow of the year - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28CLEAN : Snowy scenes in Wimbledon after London's first snow of the year
blanket of snow covers the gardens of the chateau de versailles with the arrival of the first snowflakes in the paris region this morning the... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58CLEAN : Snow covers Palace of Versailles on outskirts of Paris
shows exterior shots damage and destruction left behind in aftermath of hurricane michael, including former houses now piles of rubble, boats tossed... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:52ROTY: WEATHER - Aftermath of Hurricane Michael in Mexico Beach
meteorologists assess impact of climate change on the extreme weather; uk, berkshire, sonning / reading: wheat field, professor donal o'sullivan... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15Meteorologists assess impact of climate change on the extreme weather
the german government lifts its growth forecast from 0,2 to 0,4% for the year as rebounding industrial production and slowing inflation help europe's... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35CLEAN : German govt lifts growth forecast as outlook brightens
storm warning pennant flying, palm trees blowing / boats pulling into harbor / taking down store signs, 'ferrell motors, cash for cars' / men walking... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:08Extreme Weather Hits Florida And Missouri Causing Damage
up to 100 homes were destroyed in queens after an electrical fire ravaged the rockaway park district. dominic wagorn surveys the damage done by sandy... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:19Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and Fire in Rockaway, Queens
nearly one and a half million people have been told to leave their homes on america's southeast coast -- with hurricane irma on course for a direct... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:57People Told To Evacuate Ahead of Hurricane Irma
this clip contains a black gap - third party content removed. voiced: the water is beginning to subside in some areas. but there are real fears it... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage03:16The impact of flooding in Leeds
new york city has been shut down as a snowstorm closes in on america's east coast. only emergency vehicles are allowed on the roads, and the subway... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:36Snowstorm Shuts Down New York
crowds enjoying the coronation despite the rain. voiced: crowds enjoy the coronation despite the rain, voxpops with members of the crowd., crowd... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:21Crowds enjoy the Coronation despite the rain...
prince charles presents television weather forecast; scotland: glasgow: bbc scotland: ext / rain prince charles and camilla duchess of cornwall... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:05Prince Charles presents television weather forecast
greece in emergency state for floods. weather phenomenon called an "omega block" is creating a high and low weather system over europe. the weather... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:08Severe rainstorm hits Greece causing floods
in dagenham the fire is out, one resident who used to call this cul-de-sac home was escorted by fire service through her back garden to see for the... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:39Residents return to burnt homes after fires caused by extreme heat
on his way to buy a heater at home depot, jeff nikolas says he will caucus on monday in the "frigid cold” for trump once again if he can get his car... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage03:16CLEAN : Voters face severe weather ahead of Iowa caucus
big freeze continues across britain causing transport chaos and power cuts; england: wiltshire: ext woman walking away along lane covered with heavy... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06Big freeze continues across Britain causing transport chaos and power cuts
big freeze continues across britain causing transport chaos and power cuts; england: wiltshire: int car point of view from car as driven along snowy... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Big freeze continues across Britain causing transport chaos and power cuts
storms aftermath; england: hand holding photo of christopher jonathan vince interview sot with daughter jessica next - they decided the weather was... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38Storms aftermath
hot weather; hot weather; london: hyde park gv park as people lying on grass cms girl sunbather people in boats on lake - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Hot weather
"we lost everything," says a 39-year-old resident of jardim pantanal, a low-income neighborhood in sao paulo, which is struggling with flooding after... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:50CLEAN : 'Lost everything': Sao Paulo neighborhood flooded after heavy rains
drone footage shows the magnitude of landslides in the city of ipatinga in the minas gerais state - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23CLEAN : Public workers and residents clean up after landslide in southeast Brazil
northern lights seen across parts of uk; wales: ext matthew browne interview sot sun in sky - flare in lens - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Northern Lights seen across parts of UK
cyclone aftermath; england: london: gir: int reporter to camera sot jonathan benthall interview sot - not much coverage in the newspapers of the... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50Cyclone aftermath
images of a winter heatwave in south america, which was made 100 times more likely by climate change, according to a study published by the world... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage06:35CLEAN : FILE: Winter heatwave in South America
swathes of eastern pakistan were inundated this month, with some 100,000 evacuated, after the sutlej river burst its banks spilling over hundreds of... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage06:31CLEAN : Floods drown hope in Pakistan's impoverished Punjab villages
rescuers pick up people wading through water and families load their livestock and belongings onto boats in a mass evacuation of around 100,000... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage05:50CLEAN : Around 100,000 people evacuate due to floods in Pakistan
around 100,000 people have been evacuated from flooded villages in pakistan's punjab province, according to an emergency services representative - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage05:28CLEAN : Around 100,000 people evacuated after floods in Pakistan
subio a 14 el numero de muertes causadas por la tormenta que azoto el este de estados unidos. voiced: 14 muertos por tempestad en eeuu on july 02,... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:08VOICED: 14 muertos por tempestad en EEUU
snow and blizzard conditions hit the uk; england: yorkshire dales: near richmond: ext / night / snowing heavily live reporter gregg easteal sot - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45Snow and blizzard conditions hit the UK
snow and blizzard conditions hit the uk; england: birmingham airport: ext / snowing ryanair plane taking off on snow-covered runway red flag in snowy... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Snow and blizzard conditions hit the UK
snow and blizzard conditions hit the uk; england: west midlands: birmingham airport: ext / snow wide shot snow on airport runway ryanair plane along... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Snow and blizzard conditions hit the UK
wales comes to near standstill as storm strikes; wales: porthcawl: ext storm waves rolling in with shutter of seafront building rattling in... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:02Storm Eunice: Wales comes to near standstill as storm strikes
cat predicts the weather; england: london: ext vs grey cat sitting in a garden wimbledon: fans queuing outside wimbledon, kimber the cat in cat box... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Cat predicts the weather
images of antarctica and its wildlife as the european copernicus service reports that antarctic sea ice extent in july was 15% below average for that... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage10:00CLEAN : STOCKSHOTS: Icebergs and wildlife in Antarctica
feeling the heat: india; india pune ext sequence indian scientists preparing hydrogen weather balloon scientists releasing balloon and it rises into... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage03:17Climate Change: Feeling the Heat: India
after the uk's warmest night came it's hottest ever day. temperatures peaked at 40.2 degrees celicus at london heathrow and in connigsby in... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:46UK Records hottest ever day on record VT
the spoken word performance art known as 'slam poetry' has taken france by storm. reims, marne, france. - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:52VOICED: Slam takes France by storm
decimated by a virus in 2008, confronted with a high mortality rate in 2009, french oysters are now facing a new disaster: sunday's devastating storm... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:41VOICED: Storm is the final blow for French oyster farms
snow and freezing conditions still causing havoc across uk; england: m4: int car reporter behind wheel tracking shot snow on side of motorway drivers... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage02:24Snow and freezing conditions still causing havoc across UK
30th anniversary of great storm of 1987; bob ogley interview sot reporter to camera images of storm destruction in book ogley interview sot - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:2630th anniversary of Great storm of 1987
texas prepares for hurricane harvey; england: london: gir: int jay gray 2 way interview from victoria, texas sot - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17Texas prepares for Hurricane Harvey
wet weather in summer 2007 means fewer butterflies; england: london: gir: int dr caroline bullman live 2-way interview from hampshire sot - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51Wet weather in summer 2007 means fewer butterflies
bombing campaign; pool london: ministry of defence: int air marshal sir john day press conference sot - last night's attacks continued to focus on... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23NATO bombing campaign
day celebrations - weather; int/ england: portsmouth: rear admiral mike boyce intvw sot - if weather is unfavourable opportunity will be lost... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11D-Day celebrations - weather
storms round up; d) england: london weather centre: cms roger hunt intvw sof (forecast for gales/comparisions with october hurricane/not... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:55Storms round up
chokwe int woman clearing mud from inside house womans legs covered in mud from cleaning up house pull out ext woman sweeping mud and water from... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage03:55AID/MORE STORMS PREDICTED
ken livingstone launches london energy efficiency strategy; ext roof with solar powered panels panels gv houses with solar panels on roofs int sylvia... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage01:07Ken Livingstone launches London energy efficiency strategy
carlisle flooding; england: cumbria: carlisle: ext fire fighters carrying an elderly woman stranded by floodwater out of a boat fire fighters pulling... - weather reports stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Carlisle flooding