activist and health-care advocates held a rally in union square demanding universal health-care , improved medicare, and end to for-profit... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Medicare advocates demand ‘Medicare 4 All’, Rally-Protest held in NYC Union Square
exterior shots of tea party supporters holding placards in a demonstration against barack obama's 'obamacare' healthcare proposals, bearing slogans... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage02:26Tea Party protest against Obamacare in Washington
nnbn131n) - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Republicans take to the streets, gathering signatures for a petition opposing 'Obama care'
noam chomsky saying 'a majority [of the us public] or a plurality if there are a lot of options, are in favour of some form of national healthcare' - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Noam Chomsky saying 'a majority [of the US public] or a plurality if there are a lot of options, are in favour of some form of national healthcare'
health care rally at usc - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage01:09Health Care Rally at USC
democratic presidential nominee, u.s. vice president kamala harris talks about donald trump wanting cut the affordable care act as she speaks to... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:34Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris Holds Rally In Atlanta, Georgia
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open enrollment healthcare benefit forms. - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Open enrollment healthcare benefit forms.
activist and health-care advocates held a rally at the 5th avenue trump tower titled ‘our lives are still on the line: celebration & recommitment... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Senate Votes down Obamacare repeal, Activist Celebrate, Trump Tower NYC
crowds marched through downtown los angeles to protest efforts by republican lawmakers to overhaul the affordable care act. in a rally that occupied... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage01:03Thousands Rally in Downtown Los Angeles To Save Obamacare
former president barack obama speaks on the sacrifices made and the devotion of the people in that room as vice president kamala harris and u.s.... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41Former President Obama Joins President Biden At White House To Mark Anniversary Of The Affordable Care Act
health care bill approved by supreme court; usa: washington dc: ext people running away from the supreme court building after the supreme court... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Health care bill approved by Supreme Court
activist and health-care advocates held a rally at the 5th avenue trump tower titled ‘our lives are still on the line: celebration & recommitment... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Senate Votes down Obamacare repeal, Activist Celebrate, Trump Tower NYC
open enrollment healthcare benefit forms. - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Open enrollment healthcare benefit forms.
president donald trump says trumpcare, the obamacare replacement, also known as ahca or american health care act will "have heart" during a campaign... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40Donald Trump says AHCA healthcare act will have heart
tea party supporters protest the affordable care act outside the us capitol building. - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50Right-wing protesters rally outside of the US Capitol to Protest Obamacare
exterior shots of tea party supporters holding placards in a demonstration against barack obama's 'obamacare' healthcare proposals, bearing slogans... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43Tea Party protest against Obamacare in Washington
president joe biden speaks on where to go from here with the affordable care act and passing the american rescue care act as former president barack... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41Former President Obama Joins President Biden At White House To Mark Anniversary Of The Affordable Care Act
president joe biden speaks on healthcare being a right not a privilege and the formation in 1965 of medicare and medicaid act as former president... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:59Former President Obama Joins President Biden At White House To Mark Anniversary Of The Affordable Care Act
vice president joe biden says "the greatest wealth is health" and introduces president barack obama at the affordable care act signing in washington... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Biden remarks at Affordable Care Act signing
bloomington, indiana, usa: an activist standing at the monroe county courthouse holds a sign reading, "health for all" during the medicare for all... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13An activist standing at the Monroe County Courthouse holds a sign reading, "Health For All"
activist ‘rise and resist’ gathered in central park and marched to the 740 park avenue home of david koch to express their views on the consequences... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32Pro – Obamacare protest in front of David Koch’s Park Avenue home.
united states president donald trump speaks to 15,000 of his supporters about repealing and replacing obamacare during a massive campaign rally style... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51United States President Donald Trump speaks to his supporters about repealing Obamacare, which he calls a catastrophe, during a rally in Louisville
tea party supporters protest the affordable care act outside the us capitol building. - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Protesters cheer and chant "kill the bill" at anti-Obamacare rally
exterior shots of tea party supporters holding placards in a demonstration against barack obama's 'obamacare' healthcare proposals, bearing slogans... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage02:11Tea Party protest against Obamacare in Washington
obama administration officials aim to have the healthcare site fixed by saturdays upcoming deadline clean : deadline to fix obamacare site nears on... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23CLEAN : Deadline to fix Obamacare site nears
- computer screen video of online application process of the affordable care act showing how to get coverage outside of open enrollment period. - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15ACA Obama Care online application process
- computer screen video of online application process of the affordable care act showing user selecting a state. - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20ACA Obama Care online application process
a family purchases insurance under the affordable care act at a store setup in the mall of americas on march 20, 2014 in miami, florida. the owner of... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Florida Company Works To Enroll People In Affordable Health Care Act Plans As Deadline Looms
a male nurse showing a man how to fill his paperwork for the doctor appointment - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16A male nurse showing a man how to fill his paperwork for the doctor appointment
president obama has won a huge victory over opponents, after the u.s. supreme court ruled his planned overhaul of the country's health system is... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage02:09Supreme Court Upholds Key Obamacare Law
rally against obamacare at us capitol building on march 24, 2012 in washington, dc - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04Rally Against Obamacare
former president barack obama jokes on the changes that were made since last at the white house as vice president kamala harris and u.s. president... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28Former President Obama Joins President Biden At White House To Mark Anniversary Of The Affordable Care Act
president joe biden and former president barack obama listen to vice president kamala harris speaks as they participate an event to mark the 2010... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Former President Obama Joins President Biden At White House To Mark Anniversary Of The Affordable Care Act
activist from the organization 'act up' activist rallied in duffy square times square in light of the upcoming annual world aids day. the rally... - patient protection and affordable care act stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43‘HIV Lives Matter’, Anti-Trump Protest, Times Square - NYC
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