el presidente de mexico enrique pena nieto nego de nuevo la privatizacion de la estatal petrolera pemex y aseguro que la reforma energetica debe... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13VOICED : Otra forma explotar petroleo en Mexico
el expresidente de méxico enrique peña nieto recibió presuntamente un poco más de un millón de dólares a través de transferencias internacionales... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20VOICED : Denuncian a expresidente de México por presuntas transferencias opacas hacia España
el presidente de mexico, enrique pena nieto, fue operado con exito este miercoles en un hospital militar de la capital para retirarle un nodulo... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:00VOICED : Pena Nieto es operado con exito
shows interior shots president of mexico enrique pena nieto walking onto stage with us republican presidential candidate donald trump. interior shots... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51US Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump visits Mexico
mexican president enrique pena nieto cast his ballot in mexico city in midterm elections a major test for the president whose institutional... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:44CLEAN : President Pena Nieto cast his ballot in Mexico City
enrique peña nieto is set to be sworn in on saturday for a sixyear term as president of mexico taking the reins of a country thats experiencing... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:05CLEAN : Pena Nieto fresh face or a blast
mexican president-elect enrique pena nieto visits london for expanded "cooperation and trade" between his country and britain based on their shared... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40President elect of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto visits UK.
king felipe vi of spain and queen letizia greet mexican president enrique pena nieto and his wife angelica rivera upon their arrival at zarzuela... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56CLEAN : King Felipe IV of Spain meets Mexican President Pena Nieto
king felipe of spain and queen letizia of spain offer a lunch to mexican president enrique pena nieto and his wife angelica rivera at zarzuela palace - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:26Spanish Royals Host Lunch Honouring President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto
analistas evaluan el anuncio del presidente mexicano enrique pena nieto de nuevas propuestas para luchar contra la infiltracion del narcotrafico en... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:50VOICED : Reacciones tras propuestas de Pena Nieto
mexican president enrique pena nieto declared on thursday that mexico needs new mechanisms for its oil industry to compete with the united states... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:47CLEAN : Mexico Pena Nieto wants new mechanisms fo
el candidato del partido revolucionario institucional, pri, enrique pena nieto, habria ganado la eleccion presidencial de este domingo en mexico,... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:31VOICED: El PRI gana eleccion en Mexico
michelle bachelet president of chile and enrique pena nieto president of mexico attend a press conference after signing ceremony at the official... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage03:03President of Chile Michelle Bachelet in Mexico
thousands of teachers demonstrate in mexico city and some scuffle with police keeping them away from president enrique pena nieto's residence, one... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15CLEAN : Thousands of teachers protest Mexico educa
enrique peña nieto is set to be sworn in on saturday for a sixyear term as president of mexico taking the reins of a country thats experiencing... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:05VOICED : Pena Nieto fresh face
expectant mexicans hope to catch a glimpse of their president-elect andres manuel lopez obrador as he arrives for a meeting with his outgoing... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:04CLEAN : Expectant Mexicans await a glimpse of new president Obrador
mexico's conservative presidential candidate ricardo anaya ends his campaign by saying he'll launch an investigation into outgoing president enrique... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:01CLEAN : Mexico's Anaya threatens to investigate Pena Nieto
an earthquake of a preliminary magnitude of 5.0 shook the mexican state of guerrero and the capital mexico city on sunday with no reported damage as... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29CLEAN : 5.0 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico on Christmas Day
world leaders gathered in mexico city tuesday in a cancer summit criticising the high cost of oncological treatments and agreeing that social and... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:45CLEAN : Mexico: Social inequality a lethal factor for cancer patients
las desigualdades economicas en el mundo se reflejan en la incidencia del cancer pues la mayoria de muertes por esa enfermedad ocurren en paises de... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:32VOICED : Mas cancer en paises subdesarrollados advierten Mexico y Uruguay
various of mexicans searching the website of alibaba 2. various of the safestar company 3. soundbite 1: sergio lomeli, director of safestar 4.various... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage03:52CHINA'S E-COMMERCE INSPIRES MEXICAN FIRMS
mexican president enrique pena nieto said on friday that state owned mexican oil company pemex discovered an important oil and gas field in veracruz... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage04:45CLEAN : STOCKSHOTS: Mexico announces important oil and gas find
canada y mexico buscan que la renegociacion del tratado de libre comercio de america del norte genere un escenario de ganar ganar ganar para los tres... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:26VOICED : Canada y Mexico quieren TLCAN para ganar a pesar de Trump
canadian prime minister justin trudeau arrived in mexico thursday for high level talks negotiations he says canada will take seriously on the heels... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:49CLEAN : Canada takes very seriously NAFTA talks says Trudeau
mexican president enrique pena nieto welcomes canadian prime minister justin trudeau at mexico's national palace on thursday - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04CLEAN : Pena Nieto welcomes Canadian PM Trudeau in Mexico City
german chancellor angela merkel sent her condolences to mexico's president enrique pena nieto ensuring that germany will be by his side government... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40CLEAN : Germany stands by Mexico's side after deadly quake
mexico e israel acordaron el jueves actualizar su tratado de libre comercio y firmaron ambiciosos tratados en materia espacial servicios aereos y... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:25VOICED : Mexico e Israel acuerdan actualizar su acuerdo de libre comercio
mexico and israel pledge to update their free trade agreement during a visit by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to the latin american... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:40CLEAN : Mexico and Israel agree to update free trade agreement
damaged houses are seen after a 8,2 earthquake in tuxtla gutierrez, chiapas, mexico on september 08, 2017. at least 33 people were killed friday when... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:418.2 magnitude earthquake hits southern Mexico
riot police clash with demonstrators as members of the national coordination of education workers mexico's teachers union protest against mexican... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14CLEAN : Violences in Mexico as teachers demonstrate against reform
el presidente mexicano enrique pena nieto que asumio el poder con la promesa de paz y reformas estructurales defendio su legado el sabado a menos de... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21VOICED : Presidente de Mexico defiende su legado camino a elecciones
el presidente pena nieto aseguro el sabado durante su ultimo informe de gobierno que mexico no acepatará nada que vaya en contra de su dignidad en... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29CLEAN : Pena Nieto: Mexico no aceptara nada contra su dignidad
mexico’s president enrique pena nieto who came to power offering peace and structural reforms defended his legacy saturday less than a year out from... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage03:16CLEAN : Pena Nieto gives last state of the union speech of his term
we will not accept anything that goes against our dignity as a nation says president enrique pena nieto during his last state of the union address... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47CLEAN : Mexico won't accept anything against its dignity: Pena Nieto
toronto police guarding the perimeter. the event took place outside casa loma where pena nieto met with justin trudeau for a dinner. the meeting took... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Mexican people protest the visit of their President Enrique Pena Nieto
protesters with large banner or sign complaining of fraud in the mexican elections. the event took place outside casa loma where pena nieto met with... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Mexican people protest the visit of their President Enrique Pena Nieto
invited guests entering the premises. the event took place outside casa loma where pena nieto met with justin trudeau for a dinner. the meeting took... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Dinner at Casa Loma with President Pena Nieto
protester with a sign accusing the mexican president of being corrupt and traitor. the event took place outside casa loma where pena nieto met with... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Mexican people protest the visit of their President Enrique Pena Nieto
toronto police guarding the perimeter. the event took place outside casa loma where pena nieto met with justin trudeau for a dinner. the meeting took... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Mexican people protest the visit of their President Enrique Pena Nieto
protesters with signs accusing the government of being a narco-government. toronto police guard the perimeter. the event took place outside casa loma... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Mexican people protest the visit of their President Enrique Pena Nieto
invited guests entering the premises. the event took place outside casa loma where pena nieto met with justin trudeau for a dinner. the meeting took... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Dinner at Casa Loma with President Pena Nieto
protester publicly speaking in spanish to the crowd gathered. the event took place outside casa loma where pena nieto met with justin trudeau for a... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Mexican people protest the visit of their President Enrique Pena Nieto
protesters with sign and photos of the disappeared students. the event took place outside casa loma where pena nieto met with justin trudeau for a... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Mexican people protest the visit of their President Enrique Pena Nieto
toronto police guarding the perimeter while protesters show photos of the 53 missing students. the event took place outside casa loma where pena... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Toronto,Canada: Three Friends Summit, Mexican people protest the visit of their President Enrique Pena Nieto
interior shots of various items from the royal gifts exhibition on display in the state rooms at buckingham palace, including a bag of salt from the... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:22An exhibition of over 200 gifts presented to the Queen goes on display at Buckingham Palace
mexican president enrique pena nieto meets his portuguese counterpart marcelo rebelo de sousa during a reception ceremony at the palacio nacional in... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:02Portuguese President De Sousa visits Mexico
president of turkey recep tayyip erdogan meets with enrique pena nieto, president of mexico during the g20 leaders' summit in hamburg, germany on... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:57G20 Leaders' Summit in Hamburg - Erdogan -Nieto meeting
french president emmanuel macron received his mexican counterpart enrique pena nieto at the elysée palace - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage04:08CLEAN : Emmanuel Macron meets with Mexican President Pena Nieto
los presidentes de mexico y francia enrique pena nieto y emmanuel macron hicieron un llamado el jueves desde paris a mantener el multilateralismo tal... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58VOICED : Pena Nieto y Macron abogan por el multilateralismo comercial
el presidente mexicano enrique pena nieto se reunira con el mandatario estadounidense donald trump en la cumbre del g20 asi lo informo el jueves la... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:08VOICED : Presiente de Mexico se reunira con Trump en el marco del G20
la periodista mexicana carmen aristegui que ha revelado sonados casos de presunta corrupcion que involucran al presidente enrique pena nieto... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:50VOICED : Periodista denuncia fiesta del espionaje del gobierno mexicano
arrivals; putin greeting leaders including david cameron mp , xi jinping , unidentified man, enrique pena nieto , cristina fernandez de kirchner ,... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage08:39G20 Summit: Arrivals
mexican president visit: queen shows royal collection items at buckingham palace; england: london: buckingham palace: ext **beware flash... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage10:07Mexican President visit: Queen shows Royal Collection items at Buckingham Palace
german chancellor angela merkel walks accompanied by mexican president enrique pena nieto during a reception as part of an official visit of german... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:35German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Mexico
german chancellor angela merkel said on friday in mexico city that germany is ready to start brexit talks in which germany will endeavor to represent... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage03:00CLEAN : We are prepared for the Brexit negotiations says Merkel
german chancellor angela merkel began an official visit to mexico on friday and was received by mexican president enrique pena nieto at the palacio... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29CLEAN : Pena Nieto receives German Chancellor Merkel in Mexico (2)
philip hammond and jose antonio meade kuribrena sign a declaration of cooperation; england: london: int press waiting / philip hammond mp entering... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:32Mexican State Visit: Philip Hammond and Jose Antonio Meade Kuribrena sign a declaration of cooperation
david cameron welcomes mexican president elect pena nieto to 10 downing street; england: london: downing street: int general views of david cameron... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage03:23David Cameron welcomes Mexican President elect Pena Nieto to 10 Downing Street
mexican president state visit: arrival at buckingham palace; **beware flash photography** enrique pena nieto getting out of carriage followed by... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:48Mexican President state visit: Arrival at Buckingham Palace
articulo 19 una oenege que provee apoyo a periodistas y promueve la libertad de expresion espera que la promesa del presidente mexicano enrique pena... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:25VOICED : ONG espera que Pena Nieto cumpla promesa de proteger periodistas
article 19, a mexican ngo that provides support to journalists and promote freedom of expression says it hopes that mexico's president enrique pena... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:27CLEAN : Mexican NGO hopes Nieto commitment to protect media not hollow
el presidente de mexico enrique pena nieto se comprometio el miercoles a garantizar las seguridad de los periodistas y activistas asi como a combatir... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:27VOICED : Mexico se compromete a proteger periodistas
mexico's president enrique pena nieto promised wednesday to better protect journalists after the killing of a renowned reporter who wrote about drug... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:54CLEAN : Mexico president vows to protect journalists
justice justice shouted journalists wednesday interrupting mexican president enrique pena nieto as he observed a minute of silence in honor of the... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39CLEAN : Mexican President observe minute of silence for slain journalist
los diputados mexicanos aprobaron el viernes una ley que permitira el uso medicinal y científico de la marihuana una iniciativa del gobierno de... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04VOICED : Mexico aprueba uso medicinal de la marihuana
wax figures of the us president donald trump and mexican president enrique pena nieto are displayed at the wax museum of mexico city, mexico on... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14Wax figures of Donald Trump and Enrique Pena Nieto attract visitors in Mexico City
el encuentro entre donald trump y enrique pena nieto se dio en el lugar menos pensado - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44CLEAN : Trump y Pena Nieto se encuentran en un museo de cera
foreign minister luis videgaray says monday that it is clear that mexico knows how to establish its limits after us president donald trump's order... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:05CLEAN : Foreign minister says Mexico hasn't broken with US
mexicans speak out against us president saying donald trump wants to oppress the peoples on the other side of the border and hope their president... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage02:28CLEAN : US presidents want to oppress us Mexicans say
mexicans react to the cancelation of president enrique pena nieto's visit to the united states to meet president donald trump in border wall row - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:22CLEAN : Mexicans react after president Pena Nieto cancels US trip
mexican president enrique pena nieto on thursday called off a meeting with donald trump as tensions over the us leader's vow to make mexico fund a... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:54CLEAN : Mexico leader cancels US trip in border wall row with Trump
mexican president enrique pena nieto on wednesday condemned donald trump's move to build a border wall but fell short of deciding whether to cancel... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage03:17CLEAN : Drone images of Mexico's border with the US (2)
mexico's president enrique pena nieto on monday vowed neither confrontation nor submission to the united states in renegotiating the two countries... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage03:16CLEAN : Mexico president warns no submission in US talks
tres personas han muerto durante la semana de protestas por el aumento de combustibles en mexico mientras el presidente enrique pena nieto reprobo el... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:24VOICED : Suman tres muertos por protestas contra gasolinazo en Mexico
mexico's luis videgaray was named foreign minister on wednesday making a stunning political comeback after losing his previous cabinet post for his... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage03:22CLEAN : Mastermind of Trump's Mexico visit named foreign minister (2)
decenas de mexicanos salieron a protestar en la capital en rechazo al fuerte aumento de los combustibles que empezo a regir el 1 de enero como parte... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56CLEAN : El rechazo de los mexicanos al aumento de los combustibles
el mandatario mexicano enrique pena nieto envio un mensaje a donald trump presidente electo de estados unidos y a traves de su cuenta de twitter se... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23VOICED : Presidente de Mexico se reitera dipuesto a trabajar con Trump
mexican president enrique pena nieto said wednesday he was ready to work with us president elect donald trump saying their two countries were friends... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46CLEAN : Mexican president says ready to work with Trump
el presidente de mexico enrique pena nieto reitero el jueves su apoyo a los procesos de paz en colombia con las guerrillas farc y eln durante su... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:02VOICED : Pena Nieto reitera apoyo a proceso de paz en Colombia
the mexican president enrique pena nieto once again expressed his support for the colombian peace process thursday during an official visit to... - enrique pena nieto stock videos & royalty-free footage01:35CLEAN : Mexico leader reiterates support for Colombia peace process