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dalai lama conducts buddhist ceremony in front of monks with drums and cymbals dharamsala; jul 1996 - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Dalai Lama conducts Buddhist ceremony in front of monks with drums and cymbals Dharamsala; Jul 1996
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buddhists monks and bodyguards surround the dalai lama walking through the tsuglagkhang temple. hh the 14th dalai lama, tenzin gyatso, lives in exile... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16HH The Dalai Lama
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as china vows to òcrushó tibetan protesters following 10 days of upheaval, divisions are emerging among tibetans themselves over the future of the... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54Divisions emerging among Tibetans on non violent strategy
once dismissed as eastern hocus pocus, traditional tibetan medicine is now seen by western doctors as a source of valuable health secrets, grounded... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:42Tibetan medicine reveals secrets to West
as a congress of tibetan leaders nears its end in india, the question of the dalai lamaõs succession is once again on the agenda. many tibetans worry... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:59WEB-INDIA-TIBET-DALAI-DIPLOMACY-SUCCESSION
tibetan leaders in exile gather in india for a rare meeting that could usher in a more radical approach to their long struggle against chinese rule... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06WEB-INDIA-TIBET-CHINA-DIPLOMACY
tibet's exiled spiritual leader the dalai lama on tuesday accused china of having brought hell on earth to his homeland, in a speech on the sensitive... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:51VOICED: Dalai Lama says Chinese-ruled Tibet 'hell on earth'
tibet's exiled spiritual leader the dalai lama on tuesday accused china of having brought hell on earth to his homeland, in a speech on the sensitive... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:51CLEAN: Dalai Lama says Chinese-ruled Tibet 'hell on earth'
tibetans in india pray for longevity for the dalai lama, as the 73-year-old spiritual leader prepares to mark the 50th anniversary of his exile from... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage02:14VOICED: Tibetans worried about life without the Dalai Lama
tibetans in india pray for longevity for the dalai lama, as the 73-year-old spiritual leader prepares to mark the 50th anniversary of his exile from... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage04:23CLEAN: Tibetans worried about life without the Dalai Lama
tibetan medicine known as sowa rigpa draws on centuries old techniques such as blood letting cupping and moxibustion burning herbs on energy points... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage02:38CLEAN : Tibetan medicine lures patients seeking drug free cures
the dalai lama said he was in "excellent" health saturday after doctors told him to scrap a tour of the united states as he returned to his home in... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48CLEAN : Dalai Lama brushes off health fears after cancelling US tour
india and south africa train ahead of the second twenty20 match after the tourists won the first by a margin of seven wickets in dharamsala on friday - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:24CLEAN : Cricket India and South Africa gear up for second T20
indias cricket team were busy training thursday in dharamshala ahead of a three match series which starts on friday - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:57CLEAN : Cricket World T20 on radar as India face South Africa
it is 25 years since the dalai lama was awarded the nobel peace prize for leading the tibetan struggle against chinese rule - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage03:00VOICED : Dalai Lama marks Nobel anniversary as Western support wanes
it is 25 years since the dalai lama was awarded the nobel peace prize for leading the tibetan struggle against chinese rule - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage04:12CLEAN : Dalai Lama marks Nobel anniversary as Western support wanes
the dalai lama indicates that he is in informal talks with china to make a historic pilgrimage to tibet after more than half a century in exile - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20CLEAN : Dalai Lama in informal talks to return to Tibet
the leader of tibets exiled government accuses china of blanket repression in his homeland and warned that resentment over its rule was growing as he... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage02:47CLEAN : Tibet leaders slam China repression in new autonomy push
tibetan refugees in nepal and india offer prayers to the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck china's remote himalayan region on january... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage03:44CLEAN : Tibetan refugees in Nepal and India offer prayers for quake victims
tibetans living in india gathered outside the chinese embassy in new delhi in protest against human rights violations in china on tuesday , which... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55Tibetans in India protest China's human rights violations on nation's 75th anniversary of republic
trishula standing on top of a mountain overlooking dharamshala - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Trishula standing on top of a mountain overlooking Dharamshala
india began voting saturday, june 1, in the last phase of a seven-phase mega general election which began last month. polling began at 57... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage03:51Indian begins voting in last phase of seven-phase mega general elections
los tibetanos que viven en india ondearon el domingo la bandera de su patria durante las manifestaciones convocadas para conmemorar el 65 aniversario... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23VOICED : Tibetanos exiliados se manifiestan en el 65 aniversario de su levantamiento fallido
tibetans in india wave the flag of their homeland in protests marking 65 years since a failed uprising was crushed by china, driving the dalai lama... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage03:18CLEAN : Exiled Tibetans march on anniversary of crushed uprising
exiled tibetans guard the cultural identity of a homeland most have neither seen nor dare visit, and where they say beijing is eradicating their... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage06:21CLEAN : Exiled Tibetans guard heritage from cultural erasure
the dalai lama says he has decades yet to live, but tibetans who have followed him abroad are bracing for an inevitable future without the... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage06:55CLEAN : Tibetans fear for future as they recall failed uprising
street vendors sell india replica shirts outside the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 6, 2024 in dharamsala, india. - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14England Net Session
street vendors sell india replica shirts outside the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 6, 2024 in dharamsala, india. - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14England Net Session
street vendors sell india replica shirts outside the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 6, 2024 in dharamsala, india. - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13England Net Session
cricket queue for tickets for tomorrow's test match between india and england outside the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 6,... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13England Net Session
the dalai lama speaks at a public gathering on saturday at the dalai lama temple in the himalayan town of dharamshala in india's northern himachal... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage04:09CLEAN : Crowds gather to hear Dalai Lama on 'Day of Offerings'
mural of an indian cricket scene sits painted on the walls surrounding the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 3, 2024 in... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Cricket In Dharamsala
mural of an indian cricket scene sits painted on the walls surrounding the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 3, 2024 in... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Cricket In Dharamsala
mural of an indian cricket scene sits painted on the walls surrounding the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 3, 2024 in... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Cricket In Dharamsala
mural of an indian cricket scene sits painted on the walls surrounding the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 3, 2024 in... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Cricket In Dharamsala
mural of an indian cricket scene sits painted on the walls surrounding the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 3, 2024 in... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Cricket In Dharamsala
people leave the himachal pradesh cricket association stadium on march 3, 2024 in dharamsala, india. - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Cricket In Dharamsala
buddhist monks watch tibetan refugees performing traditional dance in village square dharamsala; jul 1996 - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Buddhist monks watch Tibetan refugees performing traditional dance in village square Dharamsala; Jul 1996
dalai lama examines refugee's injured arm during visit to dharamsala; jul 1996 - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Dalai Lama examines refugee's injured arm during visit to Dharamsala; Jul 1996
tibetan monks and refugees pray together in 'little tibet' dharamsala; jul 1996 - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Tibetan monks and refugees pray together in 'Little Tibet' Dharamsala; Jul 1996
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this footage was filmed and produced 22 august 2022. drone footage of a broken road between dharamshala and mcleodganj in himachal pradesh, india... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage03:02Road in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India Is Broken By Floods
local police and airport workers gather after work to play a game of cricket on the boundary of kangra airport on october 27, 2023 in dharamsala,... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Cricket Culture In India
england's barmy army of cricket fans pride themselves on enduring any hardship to follow their team but snow in the stands is one problem they do not... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20CLEAN : Cricket England to expect chilly reception
the dalai lama has held a prayer session at the main temple in dharamshala northern india after a special general meeting for 400 tibetans exiles.... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13VOICED : Dalai Lama holds
the dalai lama shares his teachings with thousands of people at tsuglagkhang temple in the indian hill town of dharamsala during the full moon day of... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage03:39CLEAN : Thousands attend Dalai Lama's teaching during Buddhist festival
an altar stands inside the mini lhasa at norbulingka institute of tibetan culture on march 4, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the monastery imparts... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17The Mini Lhasa At Norbulingka Institute Of Tibetan Culture
prayer wheel rotates with flowing water outside the mini lhasa at norbulingka institute of tibetan culture on march 4, 2023 in dharamshala, india.... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12The Mini Lhasa At Norbulingka Institute Of Tibetan Culture
devotees gather outside the mini lhasa at norbulingka institute of tibetan culture on march 4, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the monastery imparts... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20The Mini Lhasa At Norbulingka Institute Of Tibetan Culture
an altar stands inside the mini lhasa at norbulingka institute of tibetan culture on march 4, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the monastery imparts... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13The Mini Lhasa At Norbulingka Institute Of Tibetan Culture
the mini lhasa stands at norbulingka institute of tibetan culture on march 4, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the monastery imparts training in tibetan... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16The Mini Lhasa At Norbulingka Institute Of Tibetan Culture
the mini lhasa stands at norbulingka institute of tibetan culture on march 4, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the monastery imparts training in tibetan... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16The Mini Lhasa At Norbulingka Institute Of Tibetan Culture
prayer wheel rotates with flowing water outside the mini lhasa at norbulingka institute of tibetan culture on march 4, 2023 in dharamshala, india.... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11The Mini Lhasa At Norbulingka Institute Of Tibetan Culture
the dhauladhar range of the himalayas stand on march 5, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the youngest mountain chain of the world is ecologically very... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19The Fragile Himalayan Mountains
the dhauladhar range of the himalayas stand on march 5, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the youngest mountain chain of the world is ecologically very... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22The Fragile Himalayan Mountains
the dhauladhar range of the himalayas stand on march 5, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the youngest mountain chain of the world is ecologically very... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20The Fragile Himalayan Mountains
the dhauladhar range of the himalayas stand on march 5, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the youngest mountain chain of the world is ecologically very... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14The Fragile Himalayan Mountains
the dhauladhar range of the himalayas stand on march 5, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the youngest mountain chain of the world is ecologically very... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19The Fragile Himalayan Mountains
the dhauladhar range of the himalayas stand on march 5, 2023 in dharamshala, india. the youngest mountain chain of the world is ecologically very... - dharamsala stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18The Fragile Himalayan Mountains