French former Finance minister Yves Bouthillier is seen during his trial at the high Court of justice in Paris in 1947.FRANCE-JUSTICE-BOUTHILLIER
10th June 1940, World War II, Members of French cabinet leaving the Elysee Palace in Paris after their reconstruction carried out by Prime Minister...10th June 1940, World War II, Members of French cabinet leaving the Elyee palace in Paris after their reconstruction carried out by M, Reynaud, Seen left to right are : M,L,O, Frossard, Minister of Public Works and transport; Allbert Chichery, Commerce an
Marschall, Politiker, FrankreichChef der Vichy-Regierung- Erste Kabinettssitzung in Vichy nach derUnterredung Hitler/Darlan in Berchtesgadenv.l.n.r.:...Frankreich, Kabinettssitzung in Vichy 1941
1942Admiral, Frankreichmit dem Finanzminister Yves Bouthillier und dem Kriegsminister Charles Huntzinger im Hotel du Parc-Francois Darlan
The Second French Vichy Government, on the steps in the garden of the Pavillion de Sevigne at Vichy. L-R: Front row: Pierre Caziot , Admiral...Men of Vichy
Yves Bouthillier was a French politician. He served as the French Minister of Finance from 1940 to 1942.Yves Bouthillier was a French politician
Yves Bouthillier dans le box des accusés lors de son procès pour collaboration, le 6 juillet 1948.Yves Bouthillier
Yves Bouthillier dans le box des accusés lors de son procès pour collaboration, le 6 juillet 1948.Yves Bouthillier
Yves Bouthillier dans le box des accusés lors de son procès pour collaboration, le 6 juillet 1948.Yves Bouthillier
Yves Bouthillier Witness In Petain Trial, On August 7Th 1945Yves Bouthillier Witness In Petain Trial, On August 7Th 1945