Tether-ball pole in middle of yard is all that remains standing at 270 Fox Drive in Boulder as fence from around yard, roof from across the street...Denver Post Archives
The roof of ancient Westminster Abbey's Jerusalem Chamber gets a thorough overhauling after it was discovered to be so badly eaten away by death...Wetminster Abbey Repair Work
Initial USAs metal roof covering is crumbled next to the building on Thursday, July 11, 2024 in Houston. The roof was damaged by Hurricane Beryl.Beryl Day 4
The Farmhouse Porch; Walter Goodall; Children; Horse; Chicken, 19th Century, Farm; White Horse; Drinking; Chicken; Mother; House; Cage; Wooden House;...The Farmhouse Porch; Walter Goodall; Children; Horse; Chicken
Tether-ball pole in middle of yard is all that remains standing at 270 Fox Drive in Boulder as fence from around yard, roof from across the street...JAN 11 1972, JAN 12 1972; A tether-ball pole in middle of yard is all that remains standing at 270 F
collapsed house with roof sitting on the ground piled on top of the house that crumbled below. - roofs crumbled stock pictures, royalty-free photos & imagesCollapsed house with roof sitting on the ground piled on top of the house that crumbled below.
Muayd Dakhil's roof collapsed and a wall crumbled Wednesday when a suicide bomber exploided a truck next to Iraq's Foreign Ministry. His wife and two...Baghdad Bombing