This photograph taken on November 20, 2016 shows vocalist Tharr Pu and Aung Myo Linn, leader of Myanmar's Nightmare Metal Band, posing after a...MYANMAR-MUSIC-CENSORSHIP
In this photograph taken on August 14 Myanmar cartoonist Aung Zaw Zaw Myo, also known by his pen name Cartoon Agga, poses with his social commentary...MYANMAR-POLITICS-CARTOON
Front row, left to right: Pe Htaung, Ye Tun, Tin Yee, Khin Maung Gyi, Thakin Ba Thein Tin, Myo Myint, Kyaw Mya, Kyin Maung, Mya Min,. Back row, left...Burma / Myanmar: CPB Central Committee at the 3rd party congress held in Panghsang. Communist Party of Burma (CPB), (1985).
Kyi Lin, , the gun man who shot and killed Ko Ni, a legal advisor to Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy, followed by accomplice Aung...MYANMAR-LAWYER-MURDER-POLITICS
Kyi Lin, the suspected gun man who shot and killed Ko Ni, a legal advisor to Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy, followed by second...MYANMAR-LAWYER-MURDER-POLITICS
Kyi Lin, the suspected gun man who shot and killed Ko Ni, a Muslim lawyer followed by second suspect Aung Win Zaw are escorted by police on arrival...MYANMAR-LAWYER-MURDER-POLITICS