Flotilla of gunboats of the Union Navy drawn from the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, commanded by Flag Officer Louis M. Goldsborough protect the...The Battle of Roanoke Island
Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough , a rear admiral in the US Navy during the American Civil War, circa 1860. Engraved by J. C. Buttre after a photograph...Louis M. Goldsborough
Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough, admiral in the United States Navy, 1862-1867. During the American Civil War Goldsborough commanded the North Atlantic...Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough, admiral in the United States Navy, 1862-1867.Artist: J Rogers
Union Civil War Admirals Winslow, Goldsborough, Du Pont, Dahlgren and Stringham, 1862-1867. An engraving from volume I of The War with the South : a...Union Civil War Admirals Winslow, Goldsborough, Du Pont, Dahlgren and Stringham, 1862-1867.Artist: J Rogers
Portrait of Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough , American naval officer. Fought in Mexican War 1846-47, explored California and Oregon 1849-50. Commanded...Louis M Goldsborough
American naval officer Louis M Goldsborough, Union Navy Rear Admiral during the American Civil War, sitting in uniform, United States, circa 1865....Louis M. Goldsborough, Union Navy Rear Admiral
Goldsborough, Adm. U.S.N. , between 1870 and 1880. [Portrait of Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough?]. Artist Unknown.Admiral Louis M. Goldsborough