Postage stamp featuring a swastika emblem, 1941-1942.Postage stamp featuring a swastika emblem, 1941-1942.
Amid the phrases 'Keep 'Em Flying!', 'Keep 'Em Rolling!', 'Keep 'Em Sailing!' and 'Give 'Em Hell!', a War Bonds and Stamps poster features American...'Keep 'Em Flying! Give 'Em Hell!'
Adolf Hitler Nazi Chancellor of Germany depicted on a postage stamp 1936.Adolf Hitler Nazi Chancellor of Germany depicted on a postage stamp 1936
Adolf Hitler Nazi Chancellor of Germany depicted on a postage stamp 1936.Adolf Hitler Nazi depicted on a postage stamp 1936
Postage stamp featuring Adolf Hitler , 1941-1942. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and became Führer in 1934. He pursued an...Postage stamp featuring Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), 1941-1942.
Postcard from a inmate at the Auschwitz concentration camp dated May 13, 1942 is seen with a Hitler stamp, and a censor's red stamp, on display at...US-THEME-POST
Politiker, NSDAP, DSondermarke mit Zuschlag für den'Kulturfonds des Führers' nach einemEntwurf des Graphikers Vogenauer und desFotografen Heinrich...Adolf Hitler Birthday Stamp
War bond and stamp buyers give the big push to Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito, on the way to destruction at Niagara Falls. At the rear of car pushing...War bond and stamp buyers give the big push to Hitler, Musso
Booklet pane with 20 pfennig stamps of the German Empire 1941/1942 showing profile of Adolph Hitler and Deutsches Reich.Booklet pane with 20 pfennig stamps of the German Empire 1941/1942 showing profile of Adolph Hitler and Deutsches Reich.
Poster reads "Stamp 'em Out!", and features the faces of Mussolini, Hitler, and Tojo. It advertises the sale of U.S. Bonds and stamps.Propaganda Poster for U.S. War Bonds
Adolf Hitler Nazi Chancellor of Germany depicted on a postage stamp 1936.Adolf Hitler Nazi depicted on a postage stamp 1936
Hitler, Adolf - Politician, NSDAP, GermanyStamp issued at the event of Hitler's birthday 1942 - 1942- Photographer: Presse-Illustrationen Heinrich...Hitler, Adolf - Politician, NSDAP, GermanyStamp issued at the event of Hitler's birthday 1942 - 1942- Photographer: Presse-Illustrationen Heinrich Hoffmann- Published by: 'Berliner Allgemeine Zeitung' 15.04.1942Vintage property of ullstein bild