Setting off on a local battle damage assessment, a US Army soldier, not shown, refers to his position on a topographic map from a Blue Force Tracker...US Army Soldiers At FOB Mizan In Zabul Province Afghanistan
The NACAÕs Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory acquired the Grumman S2F-1 Tracker from the Navy in 1955 to study icing instrumentation.1956 - Grumman S2F-1 Tracker at NACA Lewis
Un Canadair intervient sur les lieux, le 20 août 2005 à Valgorge, où s'est écrasé un Tracker de la Sécurité civile en combattant un feu de forêt,...INCENDIE-ACCIDENT-AVION
Un hélicoptère survole, le 20 août 2005 à Valgorge, la carcasse du Tracker de la Sécurité civile qui s'est écrasé en combattant un feu de forêt,...INCENDIE-ACCIDENT-AVION
Photo prise le 20 août 2005 à Valgorge d'un Tracker de la Sécurité civile de l'avion avant le crash de l'appareil. Le Tracker de la Sécurité civile...INCENDIE-ACCIDENT-AVION
Photo prise le 20 août 2005 à Valgorge d'un Tracker de la Sécurité civile avant le crash de l'appareil. Le Tracker de la Sécurité civile s'est écrasé...INCENDIE-ACCIDENT-AVION
Melbourne exercised today after being in drydock.Her A-4 Skyhawks and Grumman tracker anti submarine planes and Wessex Helicopters were exercised...HMAS Melbourne exercised today after being in drydock.Her A-4 Skyhawks and Grumman tracker anti submarine planes and Wessex Helicopters were exercised also. HMAS Parramatta also exercised.
Prop fly past of 6 Grumman Tracker and two Dakota.A full dress rehearsal was held today for the Air Day to be held by the Royal Australian Naval Air...Prop fly past of 6 Grumman Tracker (low planes) and two Dakota.A full dress rehearsal was held today for the Air Day to be held by the Royal Australian Naval Air Station H.M.A.S. Albatross, Nowra on Sunday 12th Oct.The Air Day will include ground displays
Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The...Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The US supplied Australia with 16 Trackers at a total cost of $7 million. Some will replace those lost in the N
Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The...Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The US supplied Australia with 16 Trackers at a total cost of $7 million. Some will replace those lost in the N
Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The...Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The US supplied Australia with 16 Trackers at a total cost of $7 million. Some will replace those lost in the N
Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The...Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The US supplied Australia with 16 Trackers at a total cost of $7 million. Some will replace those lost in the N
Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The...Some of the replacement Grumman Tracker anti-submarine aircraft arriving at Banketown Airport after a flight from HMAS Melbourne, off the coast.The US supplied Australia with 16 Trackers at a total cost of $7 million. Some will replace those lost in the N
Grumman S2G Tracker is catapulted from the deck of HMAS Melbourne.The Leader of the Opposition Mr. Hayden pictured aboard HMAS Melbourne to watch...A Grumman S2G Tracker is catapulted from the deck of HMAS Melbourne.The Leader of the Opposition Mr. Hayden pictured aboard HMAS Melbourne to watch exercises of the NSW Coast.
The Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Hayden pictured aboard HMAS Melbourne to watch exercises off the NSW coast.A Grumman S2G Tracker fires rockets at a...The Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Hayden pictured aboard HMAS Melbourne to watch exercises off the NSW coast.A Grumman S2G Tracker fires rockets at a target being towed by HMAS Melbourne.Bulls eye, the Gurmman Trracker's rockets score a bulls eye.
Full dress rehearsal was held today for the Air Day to be held by the Royal Australian Moral Air Station H.M.A.S. Albatross, Nowra on Sunday 12...A full dress rehearsal was held today for the Air Day to be held by the Royal Australian Moral Air Station H.M.A.S. Albatross, Nowra on Sunday 12 Oct.The air Day will include ground displays and and air display of dot and Peep Naval Aircraft.Iroquois heli
He Leader of the Opposition,Mr Hayden pictured aboard HMAS Melbourne to watch exercises off the NSW coast. Pix taken on TuesdayA Grunman S2G Tracker...he Leader of the Opposition,Mr Hayden pictured aboard HMAS Melbourne to watch exercises off the NSW coast. Pix taken on TuesdayA Grunman S2G Tracker fires at rockets at a target being towed by HMAS Melbourne.Bulls eye, the Grumman Tracker's rockets score
Navy Air Day at HMAS Albatross, Nowra NSW...One Grumman Tracker looks on while three others seem to be on a collision course. This deceptive picture,...Navy Air Day at HMAS Albatross, Nowra NSW...One Grumman Tracker looks on while three others seem to be on a collision course. This deceptive picture, taken from the ground, was taken with a 300mm Nikkon lens during one of the spectacular manoeuvres at the
Minister for Navy Mr. C. R. Kelly meets Cmdr Fred Lane Co opf 805 A-4 Skyhawk squadron.HMAS Melbourne exercised today after being in drydock. Her A-4...Minister for Navy Mr. C. R. Kelly meets Cmdr Fred Lane Co opf 805 A-4 Skyhawk squadron.HMAS Melbourne exercised today after being in drydock. her A-4 Skydock and Grumman tracker anti submarine planes and Wessex Helicopters were exercised also. HMAS Parram