Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Executers with ropes and soldiers. On the left, a man naked to the waist.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Fortress and men with turbans.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Back of a thief. Facing backwards, the man is tied with ropes.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Cucifixion. Nails are driven into Christ's feet. The pain of the torture shows through the scene. A ladder leans against the cross. Behind the cross, are executers and me
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. A man bores a pit with a spade. At his feet, are some wooden wedges, a rope and a scrap of stuff. Red, white and rose are the predominant colours.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Some executioner bind a thief to the cross with ropes. Around them, are soldiers on horseback and bystanders. In the background, can be seen hills.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Arms of men keeping a trunk, tied with a rope, and a staff. A horse is eating some little branches.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. In the semidarkness, wayfarers saddle two donkeys. In the foreground, two spears and a trunk.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. On the ground is a piece of cloth, painted with the drapery technique. Nearby, are a rope, wedges and a bradawl.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Under a cavern made by rocks, soldiers wearing suits of armour throw dice for Christ's clothes.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Faces of Virgin Mary with pious women and Mary Magdalene. Their pieces of clothing are painted with the drapery technique. Rose, red, yellow and white are the predominant
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Crucifixion of a man. He is tied with ropes to the wooden cross.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Wooden instruments: ladder, axe, hammer, bradawl, saw, wedge, nails.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Close-up of a quiver full of arrows. Nearby, a rope is winded round a hand.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Men on horseback, where main details are bridles, saddle, sword and scabbard.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Bearded man with a tunic, among branches and leaves. In the background, a red tunic of a man.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Bearded man wearing a turban and a rose mantle. A robe cuts the scene.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Small figure of a knight crossing a wooden bridge. On his head, a helmet with a feather.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Fortress and men with turbans.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Men and a knight with turban who brings a flag. A rope cuts the scene.
Crucifixion , by Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto, 1564 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on canvas, 536 x 1224 cm.Italy, Veneto, Venice, Scuola Grande 'Archconfraternity of Saint Roch'. Detail. Men wearing turbans. An horseman on horseback.