Michael Chang and his wife Amber Liu, Frederique Bahrami and Mansour Bahrami attend "Diner des Legendes" at Le Fouquet's on June 6, 2018 in Paris,...Mansour Bahrami's Dinner In Paris
Michael Chang and his wife Amber Liu attend "Diner des Legendes" at Le Fouquet's on June 6, 2018 in Paris, France.Mansour Bahrami's Dinner In Paris
Michael Chang and his wife Amber Liu attend "Diner des Legendes" at Le Fouquet's on June 6, 2018 in Paris, France.Mansour Bahrami's Dinner In Paris
Les acteurs Chang Chun et Liu Hwuan filmée par le réalisateur Chi Hsing Tsia, dans la région de Pékin, en Chine.Tournage d'un film en Chine
Michael Chang, his wife Amber Liu and John McEnroe attend "Trophee des Legendes" Dinner at Le Paquebot on June 7, 2017 in Paris, France.Mansour Bahrami's Dinner In Paris
Michael Chang, his wife Amber Liu and John McEnroe attend "Trophee des Legendes" Dinner at Le Paquebot on June 7, 2017 in Paris, France.Mansour Bahrami's Dinner In Paris
Michael Chang and his wife Amber Liu attend "Trophee des Legendes" Dinner at Le Paquebot on June 7, 2017 in Paris, France.Mansour Bahrami's Dinner In Paris
Le dirigeant de la République Populaire de Chine Mao Zedong entouré des membres du Parti communiste chinois sur le rostrum de la place Tien an Men...L'état-major chinois assiste aux cérémonies pour la fête nationale
Le dirigeant de la République Populaire de Chine Mao Zedong entouré des membres du Parti communiste chinois sur le rostrum de la place Tien an Men...L'état-major chinois assiste aux cérémonies pour la fête nationale
Michael Chang and his wife Amber Liu with Mansour Bahrami attend the Trophee des Legendes Dinner at Le Fouquet's, champs Elysees on June 3, 2015 in...'Trophee Des Legendes' : Party In Paris
Michael Chang and his wife Amber Liu with Mansour Bahrami attend the Trophee des Legendes Dinner at Le Fouquet's, champs Elysees on June 3, 2015 in...'Trophee Des Legendes' : Party In Paris
Michael Chang and his wife Amber Liu attend the Trophee des Legendes Dinner at Le Fouquet's, champs Elysees on June 3, 2015 in Paris, France.'Trophee Des Legendes' : Party In Paris
The 21 Finance Ministers pose for a group photo at the Panmen garden in China's east city of Suzhou, 08 September 2001. From L to R: Peter Costello...CHINA-APEC-FMM-MINISTERS-GROUP
Chang Le Liu talks with Toronto Deputy Mayor Sandra Bussin during the Launch party for Phoenix TV at the Royal York Hotel Saturday night. Chang Le...Chang Le Liu (left) talks with Toronto Deputy Mayor Sandra Bussin during the Launch party for Phoeni
Chang Le Liu is the chair of Phoenix TV, the largest private television provider in mainland China. He is also one of the mainland's richest men. He...Chang Le Liu is the chair of Phoenix TV, the largest private television provider in mainland China.
Boston Public School Valeditorians gather for a group photo foolowing awards luncheon at the Boston Harbor Hotel. Shayna Zuber, Katheline Alicea,...(05/30/2002Boston, MA) Boston Public School Valeditorians gather for a group photo foolowing awards luncheon at the Boston Harbor Hotel. (Front row l-r) Shayna Zuber, Katheline Alicea, Beenawattie Baldeo, Khang Nguyen, Shawnda Adorno, Dung Nguyen
Sun Zhaokun, Zhang Hongyu, Tian Yu, Liu Hongfei et Han Jing avec en bas Liu Chang, Li Jianpeng et Chen Minghao, et à droite Wang Xinyu et Chen Lin...Festival Avignon 2019 - "La Maison de thé"
Qi Xi et Liu Chang lors de l'interprétation de la pièce "La Maison de thé" du dramaturge chinois Lao She, adaptée et mise en scène par Meng Jinghui...Festival Avignon 2019 - "La Maison de thé"
Liu Chang, Wang Xinyu, Han Jing, Tian Yu, Zhang Hongyu, Sun Zhaokun, Zhang Zhiming, Chen Lin et Wei Xi lors de l'interprétation de la pièce "La...Festival Avignon 2019 - "La Maison de thé"
Sun Yucheng, Wang Xinyu, Han Jing, Tian Yu, Zhang Hongyu, Sun Zhaokun, Zhang Zhiming, Chen Linet Wei Xi, Liu Chang et Li Jianpeng lors de...Festival Avignon 2019 - "La Maison de thé"
Liu Chang-le , chairman of Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings , speaks in a briefing at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui.Liu Chang-le , chairman of Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings , speaks in a briefing at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui.