Trial of South Moluccan train hijackers of De Punt and the school occupiers in Bovensmilde in Assen, September 6 hostages, trials.Trial of South Moluccan train hijackers of De Punt and the school occupiers in Bovensmilde in Assen
Trial against South Moluccan train hijackers of De Punt and the school occupiers in Bovensmilde in Assen, September 6 hostages, trials.Trial against South Moluccan train hijackers of De Punt and the school occupiers in Bovensmilde in Assen
This file picture taken on May 11, 1977 shows smoke pouring out of a train during a hijacking crisis near the Dutch town of De Punt. A Dutch court on...NETHERLANDS-TRAIN-HIJACK
Moluccans stand outside of the Court of The Hague on February 1 during a court probe into the deaths of the two hostage takers in the case of the...NETHERLANDS-TRAIN-HIJACK-TRIAL
Trial of South Moluccan train hijackers De Punt and school occupiers of Bovensmilde; witness George Flappe as hostage on train, 6 September 1977,...Trial of South Moluccan train hijackers De Punt and school occupiers of Bovensmilde; witness George Flappe as hostage on train
Trial of South Moluccan train hijackers De Punt and school occupiers in Bovensmilde, the Netherlands; South Moluccan present tried to climb over...Trial of South Moluccan train hijackers De Punt and school occupiers in Bovensmilde