The French explorer Rene Goulaine de Laudonniere and the Indian Chief Athore visit the Jean Ribault's column, erected in 1568 in the Northern...Rene Goulaine de Laudonniere and the Indian Chief Athore visit the Jean Ribault's column.
American Indian warriors. 16th century. Trophies and ceremonies after a victory. Ritual. Engraving, 1841.American Indian warriors.
Timucua Native exhibit in the Orange County Regional History Center.A Timucua Native exhibit in the Orange County Regional History Center.
Native American people . The Timucua village. Illustration based on Jacques le Moyne's drawings, french artist and member of Jean Rebault's...Native American people (North Central of Florida). The Timucua village. Illustration By Theodor de Bry (1528-1598).
Theodore de Bry, engraver. After the drawings by Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues Members of the American Indian tribe Agua Dulce torturing and mutilating...Agua Dulce people mutilating their enemies.
Theodore de Bry, engraver. After the drawings by Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues Scalping and mutilation of the slain enemy by Outina's soldiers:...Agua Dulce people mutilating their enemies.
The French Help the Indians in Battle, from 'Brevis Narratio..', engraved by Theodore de Bry published in Frankfurt, 1591Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes, France
April 1562, Timucua tribesmen in Florida stick arrows with locks of hair attached to them along the public highways as a declaration of war to their...Declaration Of War
April 1562, A Timucua village in Florida. A circular ditch is dug around the group of huts, and palings twice the height of a man are driven into the...Timucua Village
April 1562, The Timucua, an indigenous tribe in Florida, shoot burning arrows into the village of a rival tribe. The huts, made of dry palm branches,...Timucua Attack
Timucua burial ceremony in Florida, with the tribe surrounding a conch shell encircled by arrows.Timucua Funeral
The Florida. 16th century. Timucua Indian village. Food transportation by canoe. Engraving by Theodore de Bry . "Brevis narratio floridae Eorum Quae...The Florida. 16th century. Timucua Indian village. Food transportation by canoe.
Timucua Indians Killing Alligators, Timucua Indians In Northeast Florida Killing Alligators, Alligators Were A Constant Threat To The Indians Who...Timucua Indians Killing Alligators
Timucua Indians Searching For Gold, Timucua Indians In Northeast Florida Searching For Gold, French Artist Jacques Le Moyne Created Drawings Of The...Timucua Indians Searching For Gold
Timucua Indians Disguise For Deer Hunting, Timucua Indians In Northeast Florida Using Animal Skins As A Disguise For Deer Hunting, French Artist...Timucua Indians Disguise For Deer Hunting
Timucua Indian Tribe Village, Typical Eastern Timucua Indian Tribe In Northeast Florida Fortified Village With Guard Houses At The Entrance And The...Timucua Indian Tribe Village
History of the United States. 16th century French expedition. Florida. Timucua Indian tribe. Traditional architecture of the indigenous villages,...Timucua Indian tribe. Traditional architecture of the indigenous villages, with the installation of a defensive palisade.
History of the United States of America. 16th century French expedition. Florida. The Timucua roast native fowl and marine animals, including...The Timucua roast native fowl and marine animals, including alligators.
The Timucua, an indigenous tribe in Florida, shoot burning arrows into the village of a rival tribe. The huts, made of dry palm branches, burn...The Timucua Of Florida