Shirley Smith, known as Mum Shirl, named Aboriginal of the Year for her work in the Aboriginal community, with her nephew, Aboriginal activist and...Shirley Smith, known as Mum Shirl, named Aboriginal of the Year for her work in
Shirley Smith, known as Mum Shirl, named Aboriginal of the Year for her work in the Aboriginal community, 6 December 1990. SMH Picture by KYLIE...Shirley Smith, known as Mum Shirl, named Aboriginal of the Year for her work in
Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser meets the Sydney elite at a cocktail party at the Grand Ballroom at the Hilton Hotel.Fraser with the world famous Mum...Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser meets the Sydney elite at a cocktail party at the Grand Ballroom at the Hilton Hotel.Fraser with the world famous Mum Shirl Smith of Redfern.
Black Deaths in Custody.Mum Shirl addressing the gathering.A kit, calling for a response from Christians concerned with the deaths of blacks while in...Black Deaths in Custody.Mum Shirl (Shirley Smith) addressing the gathering.A kit, calling for a response from Christians concerned with the deaths of blacks while in custody, was launched by Action for World Development at Polding House, city.
Mum Shirl' of Stanmore who came from a hospital bed to receive her award from the Lord Mayor.She is pictured with Wally Bell 14yrs and Angie Smith...'Mum Shirl' (Mrs. Shirley Smith) of Stanmore who came from a hospital bed to receive her award from the Lord Mayor.She is pictured with Wally Bell 14yrs and Angie Smith 11yrs both from Darlington school, Redfern.Awards for part of the year were presented
Black Deaths in Custody.L to R) Father Frank Brennan, Mum Shirl and Helen Boyle, Chairperson of the Committee to Defend Black Rights with the Kit.A...Black Deaths in Custody.L to R) Father Frank Brennan, Mum Shirl (Shirley Smith) and Helen Boyle, Chairperson of the Committee to Defend Black Rights with the Kit.A kit, calling for a response from Christians concerned with the deaths of blacks while in cu
Mum Shirl' Mrs. Shirley Smith receiving her award from Nelson Meers.Awards for parent of the year were presented today at the Sydney Town Hall.Awards...'Mum Shirl' Mrs. Shirley Smith receiving her award from Nelson Meers.Awards for parent of the year were presented today at the Sydney Town Hall.Awards were presented to 'Mum Shirl', Mrs. Lorna Iredale, 'Robert the Rangers Robert Van Der Meyden, and Theo V
Mum Shirl Smith standing proudly besides the portrait Mum Shirl M.B.E.Queen Victoria Building Art Award for Unhung Archibald paintings, held at...Mum Shirl Smith standing proudly besides the portrait Mum Shirl M.B.E.Queen Victoria Building Art Award for Unhung Archibald paintings, held at Waltons Store, Sydney.
Mrs. Shirley Smith of Redfern received the M.B.E. In the Queens Silver Jubilee and Birthday Honours, standing in Redfern St. Redfern with Sister...Mrs. Shirley Smith (Mum Shirl) of Redfern received the M.B.E. in the Queens Silver Jubilee and Birthday Honours, standing in Redfern St. Redfern with Sister Germain (as in nun) Mum Shirl, her sister Mrs. Ethel Wedge and her sons Colin 30 and Adrian 22 Dav
Mrs. Shirley Smith of Redfern received the M.B.E. In the Queens Silver Jubilee and Birthday Honours, standing in Redfern St. Redfern with Sister...Mrs. Shirley Smith (Mum Shirl) of Redfern received the M.B.E. in the Queens Silver Jubilee and Birthday Honours, standing in Redfern St. Redfern with Sister Germain (as in nun) Mum Shirl, her sister Mrs. Ethel Wedge and her sons Colin 30 and Adrian 22 Dav
Mum Shirl Smith in her office in the St. Vincents presbytery in Redfern St. Redfern. August 20, 1981. .Mum Shirl Smith in her office in the St. Vincents presbytery in Redfern St. Redfern.
Aboriginal of the year.. Shirley Smith known as "Mum Shirl" to the Aboriginal Community.. For the work she has done for her community.Pictured with...Aboriginal of the year.. Shirley Smith known as "Mum Shirl" to the Aboriginal Community.. for the work she has done for her community.Pictured with her Nephew Paul Coe.
Black Deaths in Custody.Mum Shirl at the lunch in front of painting of The Wiradjuri Tribe.A kit, calling for a response from Christians concerned...Black Deaths in Custody.Mum Shirl (Shirley Smith) at the lunch in front of painting of The Wiradjuri Tribe.A kit, calling for a response from Christians concerned with the deaths of blacks while in custody, was launched by Action for World Development at
Aboriginal of the year.. Shirley Smith known as "Mum Shirl" to the Aboriginal Community.. For the work she has done for her community.Pictured with...Aboriginal of the year.. Shirley Smith known as "Mum Shirl" to the Aboriginal Community.. for the work she has done for her community.Pictured with her Nephew Paul Coe.Mum Shirl, Aboriginal rights campaigner: "Guns should be banned, even for police. I wou
Aboriginal of the year.. Shirley Smith known as "Mum Shirl" to the Aboriginal Community.. For the work she has done for her community.Pictured with...Aboriginal of the year.. Shirley Smith known as "Mum Shirl" to the Aboriginal Community.. for the work she has done for her community.Pictured with her Nephew Paul Coe.
Black Deaths In Custody.Picture Shows: Father Frank Brennan, legal advisor to the Australian Catholic Bishops on Aboriginal land rights, and Mum...Black Deaths In Custody.Picture Shows: Father Frank Brennan, legal advisor to the Australian Catholic Bishops on Aboriginal land rights, and Mum Shirl (Shirley Smith) at the launch.Painting is of the Wiradjuri Tribe.A kit, calling for a response from Chri