Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257 Location: Washington, DC Caption: Dick Heller after winning his case at the Supreme Court Thursday morning.ME/Guns
Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257 Location: Washington, DC Caption: Dick Heller after winning his case at the Supreme Court Thursday morning.ME/Guns
July 17, 2004 slug: me/guns18 photog: Gerald Martineau assignment #: 167728 gun toting policies in entertainement and eating establishments July 17, 2004 slug: me/guns18 photog: Gerald Martineau
Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257 Washington, DC Dick Heller after winning his case at the Supreme Court Thursday morning.Slug: ME/Guns Date: 06.26.2008 Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257
Josephm 202278--MEGUNS--DATE--- District of Columbia--PHOTOGRAPHER-MARVIN JOSEPH/TWP-- Reaction to the Supreme Court ruling on DC's gun ban: press...josephm 202278--MEGUNS--DATE-06/26/2008-- District of Columb
Mayor Adrian Fenty, Police Chief Cathy Lanier, and other city officials gather on the steps of the Wilson Building to react publicly to the Supreme...SLUG: ME-GUNS DATE: 6/26/08 CREDIT: BILL O'LEARY / TWP WASH
Josephm 202278--MEGUNS--DATE--- District of Columbia--PHOTOGRAPHER-MARVIN JOSEPH/TWP-- Reaction to the Supreme Court ruling on DC's gun ban: press...josephm 202278--MEGUNS--DATE-06/26/2008-- District of Columb
Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257 Washington, DC Kathie McLay, Pittsburgh, PA, celebrates after hearing the ruling at the Supreme Court Thursday morning.Slug: ME/Guns Date: 06.26.2008 Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257
Mayor Adrian Fenty, Police Chief Cathy Lanier, and other city officials gather on the steps of the Wilson Building to react publicly to the Supreme...SLUG: ME-GUNS DATE: 6/26/08 CREDIT: BILL O'LEARY / TWP WASH
Mayor Adrian Fenty, Police Chief Cathy Lanier, and other city officials gather on the steps of the Wilson Building to react publicly to the Supreme...SLUG: ME-GUNS DATE: 6/26/08 CREDIT: BILL O'LEARY / TWP WASH
Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257 Washington, DC Dick Heller after winning his court case at the Supreme Court Thursday morning.Slug: ME/Guns Date: 06.26.2008 Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257
Mayor Adrian Fenty, Police Chief Cathy Lanier, and other city officials gather on the steps of the Wilson Building to react publicly to the Supreme...SLUG: ME-GUNS DATE: 6/26/08 CREDIT: BILL O'LEARY / TWP WASH
Me_guns 9/16/06 183936 7th District Police Station DC SE Post Photos by Rich Lipski Gun buy back program at the 7th District Police Station nets a...me_guns 9/16/06 183936 7th District Police Station DC SE Post Photos by Rich Lipski Gun buy back pro
Me_guns 9/16/06 183936 7th District Police Station DC SE Post Photos by Rich Lipski Gun buy back program at the 7th District Police Station nets a...me_guns 9/16/06 183936 7th District Police Station DC SE Post Photos by Rich Lipski Gun buy back pro
Mayor Adrian Fenty, Police Chief Cathy Lanier, and other city officials gather on the steps of the Wilson Building to react publicly to the Supreme...SLUG: ME-GUNS DATE: 6/26/08 CREDIT: BILL O'LEARY / TWP LOCATION:
Bill O'Leary Plaintiffs George Lyon and Tom G. Palmer, who won their gun case in the District today. Pictured, George Lyon.SLUG: ME-GUNS2 DATE: 03/09/2007 CREDIT: Bill O'Leary Plainti
Bill O'Leary Plaintiffs George Lyon and Tom G. Palmer, who won their gun case in the District today. Pictured, Tom G. Palmer, right, accepts...SLUG: ME-GUNS2 DATE: 03/09/2007 CREDIT: Bill O'Leary Plainti
March 9, 2007 CREDIT: Susan Biddle / TWP. Washington, DC EDITOR: Nicole DC Mayor Adrian Fenty with council members, security, legal people, aides,...SLUG: ME-GUNS DATE: March 9, 2007 CREDIT: Susan Biddle / TWP
Washington, DC DATE: PHOTO: Larry Morris/TWP D.C. Gun owners in line at police headquarters to re-register their firearms in 1976. From then on, no...ME/GUNS Washington, DC DATE: 11/22/1976 PHOTO: Larry Morris/
July 2007 CREDIT: Bill O'Leary / TWP. WASHINGTON, DC. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg joins other big city mayors and elected officials to speak out...SLUG: ME-GUNS. DATE: July, 10, 2007 CREDIT: Bill O'Leary / T
Photographer: Dudley M. Brooks/TWP Neg# 157007 Washington, DC Officer Wayne David inspects other possesions of stopped suspects after discovering a...Slug: ME/GUNS4 Date: 6/24/2004 Photographer: Dudley M. Brook
Kevin Clark/TWP Neg #: 202257 Location: Washington, DC Caption: Paul Helmke, attorney for the defense, addresses the media after the ruling at the...ME/Guns