Running the gauntlet, a military corporal punishment, which was imposed on ordinary soldiers into the 19th century, historical wood engraving, circa...Running the gauntlet,
American frontiersman and soldier Simon Kenton , a scout for explorers Daniel Boone and George Rogers Clark is captured by Native Americans who force...Simon Kenton
spiessrutenlaufen, eine militaerische leibesstrafe, in der oesterreichischen armee zur zeit maria theresias, oesterreich, historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, running the gauntlet, a military corporal punishment, in - gauntlet_(punishment) stock pictures, royalty-free photos & imagesSpiessrutenlaufen, eine militaerische Leibesstrafe, in der oesterreichischen Armee zur Zeit Maria Theresias, Oesterreich, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Running the gauntlet, a military corporal punishment, in
Curious Old-Time Military Punishments', circa 1934. Illustration showing 17th-century methods of punishing offences: the whirligig, riding the wooden...Curious Old-Time Military Punishments