Puerto Rico Hurricane Maria Aftermath Drone Aerials

CLEAN: Shows aerial drone shots flooded houses in residential neighbourhood in Toa Baha. 15 people are known to have died and 20 more are missing after Hurricane Maria tore through the Caribbean island of Dominica. The storm also devastated Puerto Rico and a warning's been issued that people there could face mnoths without power. This report comes from the town of Toa Baha, one of the worst hit areas on 21st September, 2017 in Toa Baha, Puerto Rico
CLEAN: Shows aerial drone shots flooded houses in residential neighbourhood in Toa Baha. 15 people are known to have died and 20 more are missing after Hurricane Maria tore through the Caribbean island of Dominica. The storm also devastated Puerto Rico and a warning's been issued that people there could face mnoths without power. This report comes from the town of Toa Baha, one of the worst hit areas on 21st September, 2017 in Toa Baha, Puerto Rico

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Editorial #:
Sky News
Date created:
21 September, 2017
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Not released. More information
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
Mastered to:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG HD 1440x1080 25i
Sky News
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