Maastrict treaty emergency debate

Maastrict treaty emergency debate; CMS Gowing i/c SOF CMS Jean-Pierre Cot MEP (Ldr Euro Socialist Group) intvwd SOF - new balance of power in EC would mean reassessment of what Maastricht means / this community should not go intergovernmental MS Jens-Peter Bonde (Danish MEP) chatting in group with others CMS Bonde CMS Bonde making note CMS Group around Bonde CMS Female in group CMS Jens-Peter Bonde (Danish MEP) intvwd SOF - Danish people won't accept political union / new referendum would mean even bigger 'no' vote CMS Gowing asking question SOF GV People to & fro in foyer MS Group of people chatting CMS Valery Giscard d'Estaing MEP (Former French Pres) along TRACK CMS Valery Giscard d'Estaing MEP (Former French Pres) intvwd SOF - not possible to be member of old community & not a member of the community as modified by Maastricht MS Delors along corridor towards & into room (8 secs)
Maastrict treaty emergency debate; CMS Gowing i/c SOF CMS Jean-Pierre Cot MEP (Ldr Euro Socialist Group) intvwd SOF - new balance of power in EC would mean reassessment of what Maastricht means / this community should not go intergovernmental MS Jens-Peter Bonde (Danish MEP) chatting in group with others CMS Bonde CMS Bonde making note CMS Group around Bonde CMS Female in group CMS Jens-Peter Bonde (Danish MEP) intvwd SOF - Danish people won't accept political union / new referendum would mean even bigger 'no' vote CMS Gowing asking question SOF GV People to & fro in foyer MS Group of people chatting CMS Valery Giscard d'Estaing MEP (Former French Pres) along TRACK CMS Valery Giscard d'Estaing MEP (Former French Pres) intvwd SOF - not possible to be member of old community & not a member of the community as modified by Maastricht MS Delors along corridor towards & into room (8 secs)

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Date created:
10 June, 1992
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