China / Taiwan tensions:

China / Taiwan tensions:; a)NAT (Austin,Mark) SOUTH CHINA SEA: EXT AIRV "USS Independence" BV F-18 Hornet fighter away off flight deck LMS Flight deck hand directing pilot in cockpit of A-6 Intruder aircraft BV F-16 takes off MS Jet prepares to take off LACMS Pilot in cockpit as takes off BV F-18 takes off INT CMS Capt David Polatty III (Commander "USS Independence") intvwd SOT - We're proud of being part of the force that's going to keep the peace here/ we train for this EXT LALMS F-16 approaching flight deck MS F-16 lands PAN L-R CMS Pilot given thumbs up signal by man on deck MS Intruder aircraft taxis past CMS Commander Dave Conaway (F-18 Pilot) intvwd SOT - We're here to do a job CMS Flight Lieutenant Shane Bowen (A-6 Squadron) intvwd SOT - We're here to maintain peace but are prepared for any contingency G/AIR Two US Navy jets overhead PAN R-L to tower of "USS Independence" GV Bow of carrier as along TRACK FORWARD LMS US destroyer towards LMS Cruiser in distance INT CMS Map of area on radar screen CMS Radar screen PAN R-L EXT MS Engineers fitting missile to jet LMS Deck hands next jet on flight deck CMS Pilot gives thumbs up signal in cockpit CMS Austin i/c SOT MS Front of F-16 PAN R-L INT CMS Rear Admiral James Ellis (Commander 7th Fleet Battle Force) intvwd SOT - We have no adversarial relationship with any of the countries in the Pacific including China EXT/DUSK MS F-16 takes off from flight deck PAN R-L NIGHT MS Jet parked on deck MS Ditto LMS Crewman on deck TX 18.3.96/NAT
China / Taiwan tensions:; a)NAT (Austin,Mark) SOUTH CHINA SEA: EXT AIRV "USS Independence" BV F-18 Hornet fighter away off flight deck LMS Flight deck hand directing pilot in cockpit of A-6 Intruder aircraft BV F-16 takes off MS Jet prepares to take off LACMS Pilot in cockpit as takes off BV F-18 takes off INT CMS Capt David Polatty III (Commander "USS Independence") intvwd SOT - We're proud of being part of the force that's going to keep the peace here/ we train for this EXT LALMS F-16 approaching flight deck MS F-16 lands PAN L-R CMS Pilot given thumbs up signal by man on deck MS Intruder aircraft taxis past CMS Commander Dave Conaway (F-18 Pilot) intvwd SOT - We're here to do a job CMS Flight Lieutenant Shane Bowen (A-6 Squadron) intvwd SOT - We're here to maintain peace but are prepared for any contingency G/AIR Two US Navy jets overhead PAN R-L to tower of "USS Independence" GV Bow of carrier as along TRACK FORWARD LMS US destroyer towards LMS Cruiser in distance INT CMS Map of area on radar screen CMS Radar screen PAN R-L EXT MS Engineers fitting missile to jet LMS Deck hands next jet on flight deck CMS Pilot gives thumbs up signal in cockpit CMS Austin i/c SOT MS Front of F-16 PAN R-L INT CMS Rear Admiral James Ellis (Commander 7th Fleet Battle Force) intvwd SOT - We have no adversarial relationship with any of the countries in the Pacific including China EXT/DUSK MS F-16 takes off from flight deck PAN R-L NIGHT MS Jet parked on deck MS Ditto LMS Crewman on deck TX 18.3.96/NAT

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Date created:
18 March, 1996
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