Three runaway boys, 1951

Three runaway boys, Gary Flowers, 7 years, Larry Beaver, 10 years, Gary Beaver, 12 years, bound for the mountains to live a primitive life and feast on deer and rattlesnake steaks, got as far as Compton, lost courage, and went to Compton police for directions home, at returned to Long Beach Police Department, Long Beach, California, September 6, 1951. (Photo by USC Libraries/Corbis via Getty Images)
Three runaway boys, Gary Flowers, 7 years, Larry Beaver, 10 years, Gary Beaver, 12 years, bound for the mountains to live a primitive life and feast on deer and rattlesnake steaks, got as far as Compton, lost courage, and went to Compton police for directions home, at returned to Long Beach Police Department, Long Beach, California, September 6, 1951. (Photo by USC Libraries/Corbis via Getty Images)
Three runaway boys, 1951
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Corbis Historical
Date created:
06 September, 1951
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7948 x 6280 px (67.29 x 53.17 cm) - 300 dpi - 28 MB