Bare trees, late 19th century.

"UNSPECIFIED - FEBRUARY 09: Photograph by Benjamin Brecknell Turner (1815-1894). 'Benjamin Brecknell Turner was one of the first British amateur photographers. Originally a painter, he took up photography in 1849. Using William Henry Fox Talbot's (1800-1877) calotype process to make large format waxed paper negatives, Turner produced some of the finest early photographs of rural England, working very much in the tradition of English watercolour artists. He also photographed the Crystal Palace, built to house the Great Exhibition of 1851 in Hyde Park, London.' (Photo by The Royal Photographic Society Collection/Victoria and Albert Museum, London/Getty Images)"
"UNSPECIFIED - FEBRUARY 09: Photograph by Benjamin Brecknell Turner (1815-1894). 'Benjamin Brecknell Turner was one of the first British amateur photographers. Originally a painter, he took up photography in 1849. Using William Henry Fox Talbot's (1800-1877) calotype process to make large format waxed paper negatives, Turner produced some of the finest early photographs of rural England, working very much in the tradition of English watercolour artists. He also photographed the Crystal Palace, built to house the Great Exhibition of 1851 in Hyde Park, London.' (Photo by The Royal Photographic Society Collection/Victoria and Albert Museum, London/Getty Images)"
Bare trees, late 19th century.
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Editorial #:
Hulton Archive
Date created:
01 January, 1880
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3504 x 2615 px (29.67 x 22.14 cm) - 300 dpi - 7 MB