Desiderato debutto di miss conferenza ca. 1878 - Grossi - Italian political cartoon satire

Italian political cartoon shows circus performers getting ready to put on a show, the ringmaster 'Signor Antonio', labeled 'Austria', announces that the audience is waiting for them, a clown with a bell is labeled 'Inglese', he is leaning over a small trampoline labeled 'Trattato Di Santo Stefano', the band leader labeled 'Russ' is flirting with a young woman labeled 'Conferenz', who holding a riding crop, a dog lying at her feet is labeled 'Turco', and Otto von Bismarck, as the lion tamer, is standing on the right. (Photo by: HUM Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Italian political cartoon shows circus performers getting ready to put on a show, the ringmaster 'Signor Antonio', labeled 'Austria', announces that the audience is waiting for them, a clown with a bell is labeled 'Inglese', he is leaning over a small trampoline labeled 'Trattato Di Santo Stefano', the band leader labeled 'Russ' is flirting with a young woman labeled 'Conferenz', who holding a riding crop, a dog lying at her feet is labeled 'Turco', and Otto von Bismarck, as the lion tamer, is standing on the right. (Photo by: HUM Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Desiderato debutto di miss conferenza ca. 1878 - Grossi - Italian political cartoon satire
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HUM Images / Contributor
Editorial #:
Universal Images Group
Date created:
02 January, 1800
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4800 x 3381 px (40.64 x 28.63 cm) - 300 dpi - 20 MB