Interior of a cutler's workshop, Sheffield, England. The man on the left is working on knives, while in the right foreground is a stone grinding wheel

Interior of a cutler's workshop, Sheffield, England. The man on the left is working on knives, while in the right foreground is a stone grinding wheel for sharpening blades. Engraving, c1880. (Photo by, Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Interior of a cutler's workshop, Sheffield, England. The man on the left is working on knives, while in the right foreground is a stone grinding wheel for sharpening blades. Engraving, c1880. (Photo by, Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Interior of a cutler's workshop, Sheffield, England. The man on the left is working on knives, while in the right foreground is a stone grinding wheel
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Editorial #:
Universal Images Group
Date created:
02 January, 1880
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5416 x 3872 px (45.86 x 32.78 cm) - 300 dpi - 12 MB