Holman Hunt full face, May 1864. Photogra

UNITED KINGDOM : Holman Hunt full face', May 1864. Photographic portrait of William Holman Hunt, the Pre- Raphaelite painter, by Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879). Cameron's photographic portraits are considered among the finest in the early history of photography. She set up a private studio at her Isle of Wight home at the age of 48, after her daughter gave her a camera, and she became expert at using the collodion wet-plate process. She used friends, servants and neighbours as subjects, including the scientists John Herschel and Charles Darwin, and the poet A L Tennyson. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)
UNITED KINGDOM : Holman Hunt full face', May 1864. Photographic portrait of William Holman Hunt, the Pre- Raphaelite painter, by Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879). Cameron's photographic portraits are considered among the finest in the early history of photography. She set up a private studio at her Isle of Wight home at the age of 48, after her daughter gave her a camera, and she became expert at using the collodion wet-plate process. She used friends, servants and neighbours as subjects, including the scientists John Herschel and Charles Darwin, and the poet A L Tennyson. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)
Holman Hunt full face, May 1864. Photogra
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Date created:
01 May, 1864
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2839 x 3504 px (24.04 x 29.67 cm) - 300 dpi - 1 MB