Eastern Conference competitors

SUNRISE, FL - FEBRUARY 1: Eastern Conference competitors (L-R) Joe Thornton #19 of the Boston Bruins, Jeremy Roenick #97 of the Philadelphia Flyers and Glen Murray #27 of the Boston Bruins pose for the media before the Dodge SuperSkills competition, part of 53rd NHL All-Star Weekend presented by Nextel, at the Office Depot Center on February 1, 2003 in Sunrise, Florida. The Western Conference defeated the Eastern, 15-9. (Photo by Robert Laberge/Getty Images)
SUNRISE, FL - FEBRUARY 1: Eastern Conference competitors (L-R) Joe Thornton #19 of the Boston Bruins, Jeremy Roenick #97 of the Philadelphia Flyers and Glen Murray #27 of the Boston Bruins pose for the media before the Dodge SuperSkills competition, part of 53rd NHL All-Star Weekend presented by Nextel, at the Office Depot Center on February 1, 2003 in Sunrise, Florida. The Western Conference defeated the Eastern, 15-9. (Photo by Robert Laberge/Getty Images)
Eastern Conference competitors
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Date created:
01 February, 2003
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