Houston Chronicle

Chef's Collaborative benefit black-tie dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel ballroom,. Selerino Romero in dark cap, Patrick Glennon of Las Vegas, Arturo Boada of Solero, and Neil Doherty (in light cap) of Ireland, plate Boada's appetizer dish. Shot on 3-4-00 by Brett Coomer/special to the Chronicle. HOUCHRON CAPTION (03/07/2000): Selerino Romero, from left, Patrick Glennon, Arturo Boada and Neil Doherty put the finishing touches on an appetizer dish for the Chefs Collaborative 2000 fund-raising dinner Saturday at Houston's Four Seasons Hotel. (Photo by Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle via Getty Images)
Chef's Collaborative benefit black-tie dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel ballroom,. Selerino Romero in dark cap, Patrick Glennon of Las Vegas, Arturo Boada of Solero, and Neil Doherty (in light cap) of Ireland, plate Boada's appetizer dish. Shot on 3-4-00 by Brett Coomer/special to the Chronicle. HOUCHRON CAPTION (03/07/2000): Selerino Romero, from left, Patrick Glennon, Arturo Boada and Neil Doherty put the finishing touches on an appetizer dish for the Chefs Collaborative 2000 fund-raising dinner Saturday at Houston's Four Seasons Hotel. (Photo by Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle via Getty Images)
Houston Chronicle
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